Table of contents
  1. Synapse Lake Database, Lakehouse, and Delta Lake
    1. Synapse Lake Database & Synapse Lakehouse
      1. What is Lake Database?
      2. Lakehouse what is it?
      3. Summary:
      4. Synapse Lakehouse
        1. What is it?
        2. Key Components:
        3. Summary:
      5. Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool (Formerly SQL Warehouse)
        1. What is it?
        2. Key Components:
        3. Summary:
      6. Overall Summary

Synapse Lake Database, Lakehouse, and Delta Lake

Synapse Lake Database & Synapse Lakehouse

What is Lake Database?

A Synapse Lake Database is a container for registered tables, whose data stays in ADLS as .parquet files. Here both the database and the tables are kind of psudo. Only the .parquet files are real and they stay away from the both.

How to Create a Lake Database:

  1. Create a Lake Database:
    • In Synapse Studio, go to the Data Tab -> click + -> Lake Database.
  2. Register the Parquets as Tables in the Lake Database:
        PassengerNo INT,
        PassengerName DATE
        LOCATION = 'lakedatabase/cars/BMWUS0BB.parquet',
        DATA_SOURCE = [YourDataSource],
        FILE_FORMAT = [ParquetFormat]

Lake Database is like Uber(ordinary):

  • Lake Database is like Uber. Doesn’t own any car. Just like Lake Database stores no data inside it.
  • Registered Tables are like the Taxis. They’ve no relation with passengers. They just carry them.
  • .parquet Files are the passengers. Each passenger is an entry in the Lake Database table.
  • Spark/Synapse Pools are the drivers.
  • CETAS Activity is like a new Driver registering his taxi with UBER.

alt text

Lakehouse what is it?

A Synapse Lakehouse is simply a Lake Database with tables that are of type Delta. The underlying files are still .parquet, but they are stored in Delta format, providing additional features like ACID transactions.


  • Lakehouse is like Uber Premium.
  • Delta Tables offer premium services like ACID transactions, similar to the premium experience in Uber Premium.
  • Creation Process: The same as creating a Lake Database, but the .parquet files are saved in Delta format.

How to Create a Lakehouse:

  1. Creating Delta Lake Files:
    • Use Spark to write data in Delta format:
      df.write.format("delta").mode("overwrite").save("ADLS Container")
  2. Registering Delta Lake Files:
    • Use CETAS to register Delta Lake files in the Lake Database:
      CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE [UberLakeDatabase].[AudiGK0VC]
          Name INT,
          MarriageDate DATE
          LOCATION = 'lakedatabase/cars/AudiGK0VC.parquet',
          DATA_SOURCE = [YourDataSource],
          FILE_FORMAT = [DeltaFormat]


A Lake Database is essentially:

  • Uber: Synapse Studio -> Data Tab” -> + -> Lake Database
  • The cars: Plus registered CETAS tables pointing to Parquets in ADLS.
  • Passengers: The .parquet files.
  • The Driver: Spark servers(SQL pool) / Loveless SQL server(Synapse pool). Remember, these are like taxis, they have no connection with the passenger

Synapse Lakehouse

What is it?

A Synapse Lakehouse is similar to a Lake Database, but it uses Delta Lake tables instead of regular Parquet files.

Key Components:


A Lakehouse is:

  • A Lake Database with files stored in Delta format.
  • Delta tables registered with CETAS in the Lake Database.

Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool (Formerly SQL Warehouse)

What is it?

A Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool is a traditional data warehouse with real SQL tables that can handle large-scale, high-performance queries.

Key Components:

  1. Creating a Dedicated SQL Pool:
    • In Synapse Studio, create a dedicated SQL pool for high-capacity data storage.
  2. Creating Real Tables:
    • Load data from Lake Database tables into dedicated SQL pool tables.
    • Example:
      CREATE TABLE [DedicatedSales]
          DISTRIBUTION = HASH(TransactionID),
      AS SELECT * FROM [SalesLakeDatabase].[SalesDelta];


A Dedicated SQL Pool is used for:

  • Creating real SQL tables from pseudo Lake Database tables for high-performance querying.

Overall Summary

  • Lake Database: Synapse -> “Data Tab” -> “+” -> “Lake Database” + CETAS tables pointing to Parquet files in ADLS.
  • Delta Lake Tables: Parquet files saved as Delta format.
  • Lakehouse: Delta Lake tables registered in a Lake Database.
  • Warehouse: Real SQL tables in a Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool created from Lake Database tables for high-performance queries.