MongoDB Command Cheatsheet

Using the MongoDB Shell

Connecting to MongoDB

Description Command
Connect to a MongoDB instance mongo
Connect to a specific database mongo <database_name>
Connect to a remote MongoDB server mongo <hostname>:<port>/<database_name>
Connect via mongosh mongosh
Connect to specific host and port via mongosh mongosh --host <host> --port <port> --authenticationDatabase admin -u <user> -p <pwd>
Connect via mongosh with connection string mongosh "mongodb://<user>:<password>@"
Connect to MongoDB Atlas via mongosh mongosh "mongodb+srv://<dbname>" --apiVersion 1 --username <username>

Database Operations

Description Command
Show all databases show dbs
Use a specific database use <database_name>
Get the current database db
Drop the current database db.dropDatabase()

Collection Operations

Description Command
Show all collections in the current database show collections
Create a collection db.createCollection("<collection_name>")
Drop a collection db.<collection_name>.drop()

CRUD Operations


Description Command
Insert a document db.coll.insertOne({name: "Max"})
Insert multiple documents (ordered) db.coll.insertMany([{name: "Max"}, {name: "Alex"}])
Insert multiple documents (unordered) db.coll.insertMany([{name: "Max"}, {name: "Alex"}], {ordered: false})
Insert document with current date db.coll.insertOne({date: ISODate()})
Insert document with write concern db.coll.insertOne({name: "Max"}, {"writeConcern": {"w": "majority", "wtimeout": 5000}})


Description Command
Find one document db.coll.findOne()
Find all documents db.coll.find()
Find all documents (pretty print) db.coll.find().pretty()
Find documents with a query db.coll.find({name: "Max", age: 32})
Find documents with date db.coll.find({date: ISODate("2020-09-25T13:57:17.180Z")})
Explain query execution stats db.coll.find({name: "Max", age: 32}).explain("executionStats")
Get distinct values of a field db.coll.distinct("name")
Count documents with a query db.coll.countDocuments({age: 32})
Get estimated document count db.coll.estimatedDocumentCount()


Description Command
Update a document (set fields) db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1}, {$set: {"year": 2016, name: "Max"}})
Update a document (unset fields) db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1}, {$unset: {"year": 1}})
Rename a field db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1}, {$rename: {"year": "date"}})
Increment a field db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1}, {$inc: {"year": 5}})
Multiply a field db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1}, {$mul: {price: NumberDecimal("1.25"), qty: 2}})
Set minimum value of a field db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1}, {$min: {"imdb": 5}})
Set maximum value of a field db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1}, {$max: {"imdb": 8}})
Set current date db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1}, {$currentDate: {"lastModified": true}})
Set current date as timestamp db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1}, {$currentDate: {"lastModified": {$type: "timestamp"}}})
Array updates (push) db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1}, {$push: {"array": 1}})
Array updates (pull) db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1}, {$pull: {"array": 1}})
Array updates (addToSet) db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1}, {$addToSet: {"array": 2}})
Array updates (pop last element) db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1}, {$pop: {"array": 1}})
Array updates (pop first element) db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1}, {$pop: {"array": -1}})
Array updates (pullAll) db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1}, {$pullAll: {"array": [3, 4, 5]}})
Array updates (push with each) db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1}, {$push: {"scores": {$each: [90, 92]}}})
Array updates (push with sort) db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 2}, {$push: {"scores": {$each: [40, 60], $sort: 1}}})
Update array element db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1, "grades": 80}, {$set: {"grades.$": 82}})
Update all array elements db.coll.updateMany({}, {$inc: {"grades.$[]": 10}})
Update array elements with filter db.coll.updateMany({}, {$set: {"grades.$[element]": 100}}, {multi: true, arrayFilters: [{"element": {$gte: 100}}]})
Find and update db.coll.findOneAndUpdate({"name": "Max"}, {$inc: {"points": 5}}, {returnNewDocument: true})
Upsert (update or insert) db.coll.updateOne({"_id": 1}, {$set: {item: "apple"}, $setOnInsert: {defaultQty: 100}}, {upsert: true})
Replace a document db.coll.replaceOne({"name": "Max"}, {"firstname": "Maxime", "surname": "Beugnet"})
Update with write concern db.coll.updateMany({}, {$set: {"x": 1}}, {"writeConcern": {"w": "majority", "wtimeout": 5000}})


Description Command
Delete one document db.coll.deleteOne({name: "Max"})
Delete multiple documents db.coll.deleteMany({name: "Max"}, {"writeConcern": {"w": "majority", "wtimeout": 5000}})
Delete all documents db.coll.deleteMany({})
Find and delete db.coll.findOneAndDelete({"name": "Max"})


Description Command
Create an index on a field db.<collection_name>.createIndex({<field>: 1})
Create a unique index db.<collection_name>.createIndex({<field>: 1}, {unique: true})
List all indexes on a collection db.<collection_name>.getIndexes()
Drop an index db.<collection_name>.dropIndex("<index_name>")
Hide an index db.coll.hideIndex("name_1")
Unhide an index db.coll.unhideIndex("name_1")


Description Command
Aggregation framework db.<collection_name>.aggregate([ { $match: { <field>: <value> } }, { $group: { _id: "$<group_field>", total: { $sum: "$<sum_field>" } } }, { $sort: {total: -1} } ])

Backup and Restore

Description Command
Backup a database mongodump --db <database_name> --out <backup_directory>
Restore a database mongorestore --db <database_name> <backup_directory>/<database_name>

User Management

Description Command
Create a new user db.createUser({ user: "<username>", pwd: "<password>", roles: [ { role: "<role>", db: "<database>" } ] })
Show users show users
Drop a user db.dropUser("<username>")

Server Administration

Description Command
Server status db.serverStatus()
Database statistics db.stats()
Collection statistics db.<collection_name>.stats()
Current operations db.currentOp()
Kill an operation db.killOp(<operation_id>)
Lock the database db.fsyncLock()
Unlock the database db.fsyncUnlock()
Get collection names db.getCollectionNames()
Get collection info db.getCollectionInfos()
Print collection stats db.printCollectionStats()
Replication info db.getReplicationInfo()
Print replication info db.printReplicationInfo()
Server info db.hello()
Host info db.hostInfo()
Shutdown server db.shutdownServer()
Profiling status db.getProfilingStatus()
Set profiling level db.setProfilingLevel(1, 200)
Enable free monitoring db.enableFreeMonitoring()
Disable free monitoring db.disableFreeMonitoring()
Get free monitoring status db.getFreeMonitoringStatus()

Handy Commands

Description Command
Use admin database use admin
Create root user db.createUser({"user": "root", "pwd": passwordPrompt(), "roles": ["root"]})
Drop root user db.dropUser("root")
Authenticate user db.auth( "user", passwordPrompt() )
Switch to test database use test
Get sibling database db.getSiblingDB("dbname")
Get current operations db.currentOp()
Kill operation db.killOp(123)
Get collection stats db.printCollectionStats()
Get server status db.serverStatus()
Create a view db.createView("viewName", "sourceColl", [{$project:{department: 1}}])

Change Streams

Description Command
Watch for changes watchCursor =[ { $match : {"operationType" : "insert" } } ])
Iterate change stream while (!watchCursor.isExhausted()){ if (watchCursor.hasNext()){ print(tojson(; } }

Replica Set

Description Command
Replica set status rs.status()
Initiate replica set rs.initiate({"_id": "RS1", members: [ { _id: 0, host: "" }, { _id: 1, host: "" }, { _id: 2, host: "" }]})
Add a member rs.add("")
Add an arbiter rs.addArb("")
Remove a member rs.remove("")
Get replica set config rs.conf()
Replica set hello rs.hello()
Print replication info rs.printReplicationInfo()
Print secondary replication info rs.printSecondaryReplicationInfo()
Reconfigure replica set rs.reconfig(config)
Set read preference db.getMongo().setReadPref('secondaryPreferred')
Step down primary rs.stepDown(20, 5)

Sharded Cluster

Description Command
Print sharding status db.printShardingStatus()
Sharding status sh.status()
Add a shard sh.addShard("rs1/")
Shard a collection sh.shardCollection("mydb.coll", {zipcode: 1})
Move a chunk sh.moveChunk("mydb.coll", { zipcode: "53187" }, "shard0019")
Split a chunk at a key sh.splitAt("mydb.coll", {x: 70})
Split a chunk by find query sh.splitFind("mydb.coll", {x: 70})
Start balancer sh.startBalancer()
Stop balancer sh.stopBalancer()
Disable balancing sh.disableBalancing("mydb.coll")
Enable balancing sh.enableBalancing("mydb.coll")
Get balancer state sh.getBalancerState()
Set balancer state sh.setBalancerState(true/false)
Is balancer running sh.isBalancerRunning()
Start auto merger sh.startAutoMerger()
Stop auto merger sh.stopAutoMerger()
Enable auto merger sh.enableAutoMerger()
Disable auto merger sh.disableAutoMerger()
Update zone key range sh.updateZoneKeyRange("mydb.coll", {state: "NY", zip: MinKey }, { state: "NY", zip: MaxKey }, "NY")
Remove range from zone sh.removeRangeFromZone("mydb.coll", {state: "NY", zip: MinKey }, { state: "NY", zip: MaxKey })
Add shard to zone sh.addShardToZone("shard0000", "NYC")
Remove shard from zone sh.removeShardFromZone("shard0000", "NYC")