Get all session information

import os
import sys
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Initialize a Spark session
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("ExampleApp").getOrCreate()

# Print Spark information in a presentable format
print(f"Spark version: {spark.version}")
print(f"Application name: {spark.sparkContext.appName}")
print(f"Master URL: {spark.sparkContext.master}")
print(f"Application ID: {spark.sparkContext.applicationId}")
print(f"Number of executors: {len(}")
print(f"Cores per executor: {spark.sparkContext.defaultParallelism}")

# Try to get the memory per executor configuration
    executor_memory = spark.conf.get("spark.executor.memory")
    print(f"Memory per executor: {executor_memory}")
except Exception as e:
    print("Memory per executor: Configuration not found.")

# Print all configuration properties in a formatted way
print("\nAll configuration properties:")
for conf_key, conf_value in spark.sparkContext.getConf().getAll():
    print(f"  {conf_key}: {conf_value}")

# Print active jobs and stages using correct methods
print(f"\nActive jobs: {spark.sparkContext.statusTracker().getActiveJobIds()}")
print(f"Active stages: {spark.sparkContext.statusTracker().getActiveStageIds()}")

# Print additional environment information
print(f"\nSpark home: {os.getenv('SPARK_HOME')}")
print(f"Java home: {os.getenv('JAVA_HOME')}")
print(f"Python version: {sys.version}")
print(f"Python executable: {sys.executable}")
print(f"Current working directory: {os.getcwd()}")
print(f"User home directory: {os.path.expanduser('~')}")
print(f"System PATH: {os.getenv('PATH')}")

Analyse a dataframe

# 1. Print the Schema
print("# 1. Schema of the DataFrame:")
df.printSchema()  # Displays the schema (column names, data types, nullability)

# 2. Show the First Few Rows
print("\n# 2. First 10 Rows of the DataFrame:"), truncate=False)  # Displays the first 10 rows without truncating columns

# 3. Describe the Data
print("\n# 3. Summary Statistics for Numeric Columns:")
df.describe().show()  # Provides summary statistics for numeric columns

# 4. Count the Number of Rows
row_count = df.count()  # Returns the total number of rows
print(f"\n# 4. Total Number of Rows: {row_count}")

# 5. Check for Null Values
from pyspark.sql.functions import isnull, when, count
print("\n# 5. Number of Null Values in Each Column:")[count(when(isnull(c), c)).alias(c) for c in df.columns]).show()  # Counts null values in each column

# 6. Get Column Names
columns = df.columns  # Returns a list of column names
print(f"\n# 6. Column Names: {columns}")

# 7. Summary Statistics for All Columns
print("\n# 7. Summary Statistics for All Columns:")
df.summary().show()  # Provides summary statistics for all columns

# 8. Distinct Values in a Column
print("\n# 8. Distinct Values in the 'Invoice' Column:")"Invoice").distinct().show()  # Shows all distinct values in the "Invoice" column

# 9. Data Types of Columns
print("\n# 9. Data Types of Each Column:")
print(df.dtypes)  # Returns a list of tuples with each column’s name and data type

# 10. Display Summary Statistics for Specific Columns
print("\n# 10. Summary Statistics for 'Quantity' and 'Price' Columns:")
df.describe("Quantity", "Price").show()  # Summary stats for "Quantity" and "Price" columns

# 11. Group and Aggregate Data
print("\n# 11. Group and Count by 'Country':")
df.groupBy("Country").count().show()  # Groups data by "Country" and counts occurrences

# 12. Sample Data
print("\n# 12. Random 10% Sample of the DataFrame:")
df.sample(0.1).show()  # Returns a 10% random sample of the DataFrame

# 13. Check DataFrame Size
row_count = df.count()
column_count = len(df.columns)
print(f"\n# 13. Number of Rows: {row_count}, Number of Columns: {column_count}")

# 14. Drop Duplicates
print("\n# 14. DataFrame After Dropping Duplicates Based on 'InvoiceNo':")
df.dropDuplicates(["InvoiceNo"]).show()  # Removes duplicate rows based on "InvoiceNo"

# 15. Check DataFrame Memory Usage
memory_usage = row: len(str(row))).reduce(lambda a, b: a + b)
print(f"\n# 15. Estimated Memory Usage: {memory_usage} bytes")

Common df operations - Part 1

Operation Description Example
select() Selects a subset of columns."col1", "col2")
filter() Filters rows based on a condition. df.filter(df["col"] > 10)
withColumn() Adds or replaces a column. df.withColumn("new_col", df["col"] * 2)
drop() Drops one or more columns. df.drop("col1", "col2")
groupBy() Groups rows by specified columns. df.groupBy("col").count()
agg() Aggregates data based on a specified column or expression. df.groupBy("col").agg({"col2": "sum"})
orderBy() Sorts the DataFrame by specified columns. df.orderBy("col")
join() Joins two DataFrames. df1.join(df2, df1["col1"] == df2["col2"], "inner")
union() Unions two DataFrames. df1.union(df2)
distinct() Removes duplicate rows. df.distinct()
dropDuplicates() Drops duplicate rows based on specified columns. df.dropDuplicates(["col1", "col2"])
sample() Returns a random sample of the DataFrame. df.sample(0.1)
count() Returns the number of rows in the DataFrame. df.count()
show() Displays the first n rows of the DataFrame.
collect() Returns all the rows as a list of Row objects. df.collect()
repartition() Repartitions the DataFrame into the specified number of partitions. df.repartition(10)
coalesce() Reduces the number of partitions in the DataFrame. df.coalesce(1)
cache() Caches the DataFrame in memory. df.cache()
persist() Persists the DataFrame with the specified storage level. df.persist(StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY)
createOrReplaceTempView() Creates or replaces a temporary view with the DataFrame. df.createOrReplaceTempView("temp_view")
write Writes the DataFrame to a specified format (e.g., Parquet, CSV). df.write.format("parquet").save("path/to/save")
printSchema() Prints the schema of the DataFrame. df.printSchema()
dtypes Returns a list of tuples with column names and data types. df.dtypes
schema Returns the schema of the DataFrame as a StructType. df.schema
describe() Computes basic statistics for numeric and string columns. df.describe().show()
explain() Prints the physical plan to execute the DataFrame query. df.explain()
head() Returns the first n rows as a list of Row objects. df.head(5)
first() Returns the first row as a Row object. df.first()
withColumnRenamed() Renames an existing column. df.withColumnRenamed("old_name", "new_name")
cast() Converts the data type of a DataFrame column. df.withColumn("age", col("age").cast("integer"))
alias() Assigns an alias to a DataFrame column or DataFrame."col1").alias("new_col1"))

Common df operations - Part 2

Operation Description Example
select() Selects a subset of columns."col1", "col2")
filter() Filters rows based on a condition. df.filter(df["col"] > 10)
withColumn() Adds or replaces a column. df.withColumn("new_col", df["col"] * 2)
drop() Drops one or more columns. df.drop("col1", "col2")
groupBy() Groups rows by specified columns. df.groupBy("col").count()
agg() Aggregates data based on a specified column or expression. df.groupBy("col").agg({"col2": "sum"})
orderBy() Sorts the DataFrame by specified columns. df.orderBy("col")
join() Joins two DataFrames. df1.join(df2, df1["col1"] == df2["col2"], "inner")
union() Unions two DataFrames. df1.union(df2)
distinct() Removes duplicate rows. df.distinct()
dropDuplicates() Drops duplicate rows based on specified columns. df.dropDuplicates(["col1", "col2"])
sample() Returns a random sample of the DataFrame. df.sample(0.1)
count() Returns the number of rows in the DataFrame. df.count()
show() Displays the first n rows of the DataFrame.
collect() Returns all the rows as a list of Row objects. df.collect()
repartition() Repartitions the DataFrame into the specified number of partitions. df.repartition(10)
coalesce() Reduces the number of partitions in the DataFrame. df.coalesce(1)
cache() Caches the DataFrame in memory. df.cache()
persist() Persists the DataFrame with the specified storage level. df.persist(StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY)
createOrReplaceTempView() Creates or replaces a temporary view with the DataFrame. df.createOrReplaceTempView("temp_view")
write Writes the DataFrame to a specified format (e.g., Parquet, CSV). df.write.format("parquet").save("path/to/save")
printSchema() Prints the schema of the DataFrame. df.printSchema()
dtypes Returns a list of tuples with column names and data types. df.dtypes
schema Returns the schema of the DataFrame as a StructType. df.schema
describe() Computes basic statistics for numeric and string columns. df.describe().show()
explain() Prints the physical plan to execute the DataFrame query. df.explain()
head() Returns the first n rows as a list of Row objects. df.head(5)
first() Returns the first row as a Row object. df.first()
withColumnRenamed() Renames an existing column. df.withColumnRenamed("old_name", "new_name")
cast() Converts the data type of a DataFrame column. df.withColumn("age", col("age").cast("integer"))
alias() Assigns an alias to a DataFrame column or DataFrame."col1").alias("new_col1"))

withColumn and withColumnRenamed in PySpark

Technique Description Example Code
Add New Column Add a new column with a constant value storesDF.withColumn("constantColumn", lit(1))
Rename Column Rename an existing column storesDF.withColumnRenamed("oldColumnName", "newColumnName")
Modify Existing Column Modify an existing column storesDF.withColumn("existingColumn", col("existingColumn") * 2)
Split Column into Multiple Split a column into multiple columns storesDF.withColumn("part1", split(col("compositeColumn"), "_").getItem(0)).withColumn("part2", split(col("compositeColumn"), "_").getItem(1))
Cast Column to New Type Cast a column to a new type storesDF.withColumn("castedColumn", col("columnToCast").cast("Integer"))
Apply UDF Apply a user-defined function (UDF) storesDF.withColumn("newColumn", udfFunction(col("existingColumn")))
Conditional Column Add a column based on a condition storesDF.withColumn("newColumn", when(col("conditionColumn") > 0, "Positive").otherwise("Negative"))
Add Column from Expression Add a column from an expression storesDF.withColumn("expressionColumn", col("columnA") + col("columnB"))
Drop Column Drop a column storesDF.drop("columnToDrop")
Add Column with SQL Expression Add a column using SQL expression storesDF.withColumn("newColumn", expr("existingColumn + 1"))

Table of contents