Get all session information
import os
import sys
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
# Initialize a Spark session
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("ExampleApp").getOrCreate()
# Print Spark information in a presentable format
print(f"Spark version: {spark.version}")
print(f"Application name: {spark.sparkContext.appName}")
print(f"Master URL: {spark.sparkContext.master}")
print(f"Application ID: {spark.sparkContext.applicationId}")
print(f"Number of executors: {len(}")
print(f"Cores per executor: {spark.sparkContext.defaultParallelism}")
# Try to get the memory per executor configuration
executor_memory = spark.conf.get("spark.executor.memory")
print(f"Memory per executor: {executor_memory}")
except Exception as e:
print("Memory per executor: Configuration not found.")
# Print all configuration properties in a formatted way
print("\nAll configuration properties:")
for conf_key, conf_value in spark.sparkContext.getConf().getAll():
print(f" {conf_key}: {conf_value}")
# Print active jobs and stages using correct methods
print(f"\nActive jobs: {spark.sparkContext.statusTracker().getActiveJobIds()}")
print(f"Active stages: {spark.sparkContext.statusTracker().getActiveStageIds()}")
# Print additional environment information
print(f"\nSpark home: {os.getenv('SPARK_HOME')}")
print(f"Java home: {os.getenv('JAVA_HOME')}")
print(f"Python version: {sys.version}")
print(f"Python executable: {sys.executable}")
print(f"Current working directory: {os.getcwd()}")
print(f"User home directory: {os.path.expanduser('~')}")
print(f"System PATH: {os.getenv('PATH')}")
Analyse a dataframe
# 1. Print the Schema
print("# 1. Schema of the DataFrame:")
df.printSchema() # Displays the schema (column names, data types, nullability)
# 2. Show the First Few Rows
print("\n# 2. First 10 Rows of the DataFrame:"), truncate=False) # Displays the first 10 rows without truncating columns
# 3. Describe the Data
print("\n# 3. Summary Statistics for Numeric Columns:")
df.describe().show() # Provides summary statistics for numeric columns
# 4. Count the Number of Rows
row_count = df.count() # Returns the total number of rows
print(f"\n# 4. Total Number of Rows: {row_count}")
# 5. Check for Null Values
from pyspark.sql.functions import isnull, when, count
print("\n# 5. Number of Null Values in Each Column:")[count(when(isnull(c), c)).alias(c) for c in df.columns]).show() # Counts null values in each column
# 6. Get Column Names
columns = df.columns # Returns a list of column names
print(f"\n# 6. Column Names: {columns}")
# 7. Summary Statistics for All Columns
print("\n# 7. Summary Statistics for All Columns:")
df.summary().show() # Provides summary statistics for all columns
# 8. Distinct Values in a Column
print("\n# 8. Distinct Values in the 'Invoice' Column:")"Invoice").distinct().show() # Shows all distinct values in the "Invoice" column
# 9. Data Types of Columns
print("\n# 9. Data Types of Each Column:")
print(df.dtypes) # Returns a list of tuples with each column’s name and data type
# 10. Display Summary Statistics for Specific Columns
print("\n# 10. Summary Statistics for 'Quantity' and 'Price' Columns:")
df.describe("Quantity", "Price").show() # Summary stats for "Quantity" and "Price" columns
# 11. Group and Aggregate Data
print("\n# 11. Group and Count by 'Country':")
df.groupBy("Country").count().show() # Groups data by "Country" and counts occurrences
# 12. Sample Data
print("\n# 12. Random 10% Sample of the DataFrame:")
df.sample(0.1).show() # Returns a 10% random sample of the DataFrame
# 13. Check DataFrame Size
row_count = df.count()
column_count = len(df.columns)
print(f"\n# 13. Number of Rows: {row_count}, Number of Columns: {column_count}")
# 14. Drop Duplicates
print("\n# 14. DataFrame After Dropping Duplicates Based on 'InvoiceNo':")
df.dropDuplicates(["InvoiceNo"]).show() # Removes duplicate rows based on "InvoiceNo"
# 15. Check DataFrame Memory Usage
memory_usage = row: len(str(row))).reduce(lambda a, b: a + b)
print(f"\n# 15. Estimated Memory Usage: {memory_usage} bytes")
Common df operations - Part 1
Operation | Description | Example |
select() | Selects a subset of columns. |"col1", "col2") |
filter() | Filters rows based on a condition. | df.filter(df["col"] > 10) |
withColumn() | Adds or replaces a column. | df.withColumn("new_col", df["col"] * 2) |
drop() | Drops one or more columns. | df.drop("col1", "col2") |
groupBy() | Groups rows by specified columns. | df.groupBy("col").count() |
agg() | Aggregates data based on a specified column or expression. | df.groupBy("col").agg({"col2": "sum"}) |
orderBy() | Sorts the DataFrame by specified columns. | df.orderBy("col") |
join() | Joins two DataFrames. | df1.join(df2, df1["col1"] == df2["col2"], "inner") |
union() | Unions two DataFrames. | df1.union(df2) |
distinct() | Removes duplicate rows. | df.distinct() |
dropDuplicates() | Drops duplicate rows based on specified columns. | df.dropDuplicates(["col1", "col2"]) |
sample() | Returns a random sample of the DataFrame. | df.sample(0.1) |
count() | Returns the number of rows in the DataFrame. | df.count() |
show() | Displays the first n rows of the DataFrame. | |
collect() | Returns all the rows as a list of Row objects. | df.collect() |
repartition() | Repartitions the DataFrame into the specified number of partitions. | df.repartition(10) |
coalesce() | Reduces the number of partitions in the DataFrame. | df.coalesce(1) |
cache() | Caches the DataFrame in memory. | df.cache() |
persist() | Persists the DataFrame with the specified storage level. | df.persist(StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY) |
createOrReplaceTempView() | Creates or replaces a temporary view with the DataFrame. | df.createOrReplaceTempView("temp_view") |
write | Writes the DataFrame to a specified format (e.g., Parquet, CSV). | df.write.format("parquet").save("path/to/save") |
printSchema() | Prints the schema of the DataFrame. | df.printSchema() |
dtypes | Returns a list of tuples with column names and data types. | df.dtypes |
schema | Returns the schema of the DataFrame as a StructType . | df.schema |
describe() | Computes basic statistics for numeric and string columns. | df.describe().show() |
explain() | Prints the physical plan to execute the DataFrame query. | df.explain() |
head() | Returns the first n rows as a list of Row objects. | df.head(5) |
first() | Returns the first row as a Row object. | df.first() |
withColumnRenamed() | Renames an existing column. | df.withColumnRenamed("old_name", "new_name") |
cast() | Converts the data type of a DataFrame column. | df.withColumn("age", col("age").cast("integer")) |
alias() | Assigns an alias to a DataFrame column or DataFrame. |"col1").alias("new_col1")) |
Common df operations - Part 2
Operation | Description | Example |
select() | Selects a subset of columns. |"col1", "col2") |
filter() | Filters rows based on a condition. | df.filter(df["col"] > 10) |
withColumn() | Adds or replaces a column. | df.withColumn("new_col", df["col"] * 2) |
drop() | Drops one or more columns. | df.drop("col1", "col2") |
groupBy() | Groups rows by specified columns. | df.groupBy("col").count() |
agg() | Aggregates data based on a specified column or expression. | df.groupBy("col").agg({"col2": "sum"}) |
orderBy() | Sorts the DataFrame by specified columns. | df.orderBy("col") |
join() | Joins two DataFrames. | df1.join(df2, df1["col1"] == df2["col2"], "inner") |
union() | Unions two DataFrames. | df1.union(df2) |
distinct() | Removes duplicate rows. | df.distinct() |
dropDuplicates() | Drops duplicate rows based on specified columns. | df.dropDuplicates(["col1", "col2"]) |
sample() | Returns a random sample of the DataFrame. | df.sample(0.1) |
count() | Returns the number of rows in the DataFrame. | df.count() |
show() | Displays the first n rows of the DataFrame. | |
collect() | Returns all the rows as a list of Row objects. | df.collect() |
repartition() | Repartitions the DataFrame into the specified number of partitions. | df.repartition(10) |
coalesce() | Reduces the number of partitions in the DataFrame. | df.coalesce(1) |
cache() | Caches the DataFrame in memory. | df.cache() |
persist() | Persists the DataFrame with the specified storage level. | df.persist(StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY) |
createOrReplaceTempView() | Creates or replaces a temporary view with the DataFrame. | df.createOrReplaceTempView("temp_view") |
write | Writes the DataFrame to a specified format (e.g., Parquet, CSV). | df.write.format("parquet").save("path/to/save") |
printSchema() | Prints the schema of the DataFrame. | df.printSchema() |
dtypes | Returns a list of tuples with column names and data types. | df.dtypes |
schema | Returns the schema of the DataFrame as a StructType . | df.schema |
describe() | Computes basic statistics for numeric and string columns. | df.describe().show() |
explain() | Prints the physical plan to execute the DataFrame query. | df.explain() |
head() | Returns the first n rows as a list of Row objects. | df.head(5) |
first() | Returns the first row as a Row object. | df.first() |
withColumnRenamed() | Renames an existing column. | df.withColumnRenamed("old_name", "new_name") |
cast() | Converts the data type of a DataFrame column. | df.withColumn("age", col("age").cast("integer")) |
alias() | Assigns an alias to a DataFrame column or DataFrame. |"col1").alias("new_col1")) |
and withColumnRenamed
in PySpark
Technique | Description | Example Code |
Add New Column | Add a new column with a constant value | storesDF.withColumn("constantColumn", lit(1)) |
Rename Column | Rename an existing column | storesDF.withColumnRenamed("oldColumnName", "newColumnName") |
Modify Existing Column | Modify an existing column | storesDF.withColumn("existingColumn", col("existingColumn") * 2) |
Split Column into Multiple | Split a column into multiple columns | storesDF.withColumn("part1", split(col("compositeColumn"), "_").getItem(0)).withColumn("part2", split(col("compositeColumn"), "_").getItem(1)) |
Cast Column to New Type | Cast a column to a new type | storesDF.withColumn("castedColumn", col("columnToCast").cast("Integer")) |
Apply UDF | Apply a user-defined function (UDF) | storesDF.withColumn("newColumn", udfFunction(col("existingColumn"))) |
Conditional Column | Add a column based on a condition | storesDF.withColumn("newColumn", when(col("conditionColumn") > 0, "Positive").otherwise("Negative")) |
Add Column from Expression | Add a column from an expression | storesDF.withColumn("expressionColumn", col("columnA") + col("columnB")) |
Drop Column | Drop a column | storesDF.drop("columnToDrop") |
Add Column with SQL Expression | Add a column using SQL expression | storesDF.withColumn("newColumn", expr("existingColumn + 1")) |