id | Displays user and group information for the current user. | id dwdas |
sudo su | Switches to the root user. | sudo su |
ls -la | Lists all files and directories, including hidden ones, with detailed information. | ls -la |
chown | Changes the ownership of files and directories. | chown -R dwdas:dwdas /user/hive |
rm -rf | Removes everything inside a specified directory but leaves the directory itself intact. | rm -rf /home/dwdas/* |
mkdir -p | Creates directories, including parent directories if they don’t exist. | mkdir -p /user/hive/warehouse |
whoami | Displays the current username. | whoami |
printenv | Displays environment variables. | printenv SPARK_HOME |
cd | Changes the current directory. | cd /user/hive |
pwd | Prints the current working directory. | pwd |
cp | Copies files or directories. | cp source_file destination_file |
mv | Moves or renames files or directories. | mv old_name new_name |
chmod | Changes the permissions of files or directories. | chmod 755 |
top | Displays real-time system information and process details. | top |
ps | Displays currently running processes. | ps aux |
kill | Terminates a process. | kill -9 process_id |
grep | Searches for patterns within files. | grep "search_term" filename |
find | Searches for files and directories. | find /path -name filename |
df | Displays disk space usage. | df -h |
du | Displays disk usage of files and directories. | du -sh directory |
tar | Archives files. | tar -cvf archive_name.tar directory |
curl | Transfers data from or to a server. | curl -O |
wget | Downloads files from the internet. | wget |
nano | A simple text editor. | nano filename |
vim | A more advanced text editor. | vim filename |
ssh | Connects to a remote machine via SSH. | ssh user@hostname |
scp | Copies files between hosts over SSH. | scp local_file user@remote_host:/remote_path |
docker | Manages Docker containers. | docker ps |
systemctl | Manages system services. | systemctl status service_name |
service | Manages system services (older systems). | service service_name start |
alias | Creates a shortcut for a command. | alias ll='ls -la' |
history | Shows the command history. | history |