Create a Spark cluster using Bitnami Spark Image

Here I will show you how you can setup a Spark Cluster, 1 master, 2 workers node. We will use the Bitnami Docker image for this. This cluster works wonderfully and the easiest of all setups.

Make sure Docker is installed and running on your machine. You can Download Docker Desktop for windows from here.

Follow just three steps below to create the setup

  • Create a file docker-compose.yml with the content from the docker-compose section.
  • Create a file Dockerfile, with the content from Dockerfile. Note Dockerfile has NO extension.
  • Now open Command prompt and run the following commands
    docker network create dasnet
    docker-compose -p bitnami-spark-cluster build
    docker-compose -p bitnami-spark-cluster up -d

    Alt text

  • Open the Docker app and navigate to the container section. The containers should be up and running. alt text

Dockerfile and docker-compose


Save the content below in file, Dockerfile(no extension)

# Use the official Bitnami Spark image as the base image
# To use the latest version just replace the line below with FROM bitnami/spark:latest
FROM bitnami/spark:3.5

# Switch to root user to install necessary packages and set permissions
USER root

# Install sudo package
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y sudo

# Add a non-root user named dwdas with a home directory and bash shell
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash dwdas

# Set the password for dwdas as Passw0rd
RUN echo "dwdas:Passw0rd" | chpasswd

# Add the user to the sudo group and configure sudoers file to allow passwordless sudo
RUN adduser dwdas sudo
RUN echo "dwdas ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

# Ensure dwdas has write permissions to necessary directories and files
RUN mkdir -p /opt/bitnami/spark/tmp && chown -R dwdas:dwdas /opt/bitnami/spark/tmp
RUN chown -R dwdas:dwdas /opt/bitnami/spark/conf
RUN chown -R dwdas:dwdas /opt/bitnami/spark/work
RUN chown -R dwdas:dwdas /opt/bitnami/spark/logs

# Switch back to the non-root user
USER dwdas

# Set the working directory
WORKDIR /home/dwdas


Here is the content for the docker-compose.yml file. Simply copy the contents into a file named docker-compose.yml in your folder.

version: '3.9'  # Specify the version of Docker Compose syntax. Latest is 3.9 on Aug 2024

services:  # Define the services (containers) that make up your application

      context: .  # Build context is the current directory (where the Dockerfile is located)
      dockerfile: Dockerfile  # Dockerfile to use for building the image
    image: bitnami-spark-master  # Name the image for the master node
    container_name: master  # Set a custom name for the master container
      - SPARK_MODE=master  # Environment variable to set the Spark mode to master
      - SPARK_USER=spark
      # Mapping ports: <Host_Port>:<Container_Port>
      # Use rare ports on the host to avoid conflicts, while using standard ports inside the container
      - "16080:8080"  # Map a rare port on the host (16080) to the standard port 8080 on the container for Spark Master web UI
      - "17077:7077"  # Map a rare port on the host (17077) to the standard port 7077 on the container for Spark Master communication
      - spark-warehouse:/user/hive/warehouse  # Mount the shared volume for Hive warehouse
      - dasnet  # Connect the master container to the defined network

      context: .  # Build context is the current directory (where the Dockerfile is located)
      dockerfile: Dockerfile  # Dockerfile to use for building the image
    image: bitnami-spark-worker  # Name the image for the worker node
    container_name: worker1  # Set a custom name for the first worker container
      - SPARK_MODE=worker  # Environment variable to set the Spark mode to worker
      - SPARK_MASTER_URL=spark://master:7077  # URL for the worker to connect to the master, using the standard port 7077
      - SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY=2G  # Set the memory allocated for the worker
      - SPARK_WORKER_CORES=2  # Set the number of CPU cores allocated for the worker
      - SPARK_USER=spark
      - master  # Ensure that the master service is started before this worker
      # Mapping ports: <Host_Port>:<Container_Port>
      - "16002:8081"  # Map a rare port on the host (16002) to the standard port 8081 on the container for Spark Worker 1 web UI
      - spark-warehouse:/user/hive/warehouse  # Mount the shared volume for Hive warehouse
      - dasnet  # Connect the worker container to the defined network

      context: .  # Build context is the current directory (where the Dockerfile is located)
      dockerfile: Dockerfile  # Dockerfile to use for building the image
    image: bitnami-spark-worker  # Name the image for the worker node
    container_name: worker2  # Set a custom name for the second worker container
      - SPARK_MODE=worker  # Environment variable to set the Spark mode to worker
      - SPARK_MASTER_URL=spark://master:7077  # URL for the worker to connect to the master, using the standard port 7077
      - SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY=2G  # Set the memory allocated for the worker
      - SPARK_WORKER_CORES=2  # Set the number of CPU cores allocated for the worker
      - SPARK_USER=spark
      - master  # Ensure that the master service is started before this worker
      # Mapping ports: <Host_Port>:<Container_Port>
      - "16004:8082"  # Map a rare port on the host (16004) to a different standard port 8082 on the container for Spark Worker 2 web UI
      - spark-warehouse:/user/hive/warehouse  # Mount the shared volume for Hive warehouse
      - dasnet  # Connect the worker container to the defined network

    driver: local  # Use the local driver to create a shared volume for the warehouse

    external: true  # Use the existing 'dasnet' network, created externally via 'docker network create dasnet'

How to add an extra node to the cluster

To add an extra node just copy paste the contents worker2 and replace the values like `container_name: worker3` `ports: 16005:8083` etc.

Configuration Reference

Configuration Item Value
Base Image bitnami/spark:3.5
Spark Version 3.5.2
Python Version 3.12
Java Version OpenJDK 17.0.12
Java Home /opt/bitnami/java
Spark Home /opt/bitnami/spark
Python Path /opt/bitnami/spark/python/
Pyspark Installation Location /opt/bitnami/spark/python/pyspark
Users dwdas with sudo privileges, spark (default user)
User Directory /home/dwdas
Ports Master: 16080:8080 (Web UI), 17077:7077 (RPC); Workers: 16002:8081 (Web UI worker1), 16004:8082 (Web UI worker2) Master http://localhost:16080/, Worker1 http://localhost:16002/, Worker2 http://localhost:16004/
Volumes /opt/bitnami/spark/tmp, /opt/bitnami/spark/conf, /opt/bitnami/spark/work, /opt/bitnami/spark/logs, spark-warehouse:/user/hive/warehouse
Network Configuration Custom Docker network dasnet
Entry Point /opt/bitnami/scripts/spark/
CMD /opt/bitnami/scripts/spark/
Spark Web UI Ports Master: 8080, Worker 1: 8081, Worker 2: 8082
Spark RPC Port 7077 (mapped to 17077 on host)
Spark SSL Configuration SPARK_SSL_ENABLED=no
Spark Configuration Files /opt/bitnami/spark/conf
spark-sql CLI Just use spark-sql. Location: /opt/bitnami/spark/bin/spark-sql
spark-shell CLI Just use spark-shell. Location: /opt/bitnami/spark/bin/spark-shell

Bitnami Spark Reference

You can check out the home directory for the Bitnami Spark Container here. It has all the documentation, configuration files, and version details you might need. If you want to see how the base image is built, you can look at their Dockerfile.

Bitnami makes sure to keep up with any changes from the source and quickly rolls out new versions using their automated systems. This means you get the latest fixes and features without any delay. Whether you’re using containers, virtual machines, or cloud images, Bitnami keeps everything consistent, making it easy to switch formats based on what your project needs.

All Bitnami images are based on minideb, which is a lightweight Debian-based container image, or scratch, which is an empty image—so you get a small base that’s easy to work with.

These containers are set up as non-root by default, but I’ve added myself as a root user.

Bitnami Spark Cluster with Shared Volume

Here, I will show you how to set up a Spark Cluster with the following Details:

Configuration Detail Value
Image bitnami/spark:latest (Spark 3.5.1), OS_FLAVOUR=debian-12
Spark Mode 1 Master + 2 Workers
Spark Submission URL spark://spark-master:7077
Spark URLs Local Master http://localhost:8080/, Worker 1 http://localhost:8081/, Worker 2 http://localhost:8082/
Spark Worker Specs Memory 2G, Cores 2
Common Mounted Volumes spark-warehouse:/user/hive/warehouse to all nodes
Mounted Folder Details Temp Dir: /opt/bitnami/spark/tmp, Spark Conf: /opt/bitnami/spark/conf, /opt/bitnami/spark/work, Logs Dir: /opt/bitnami/spark/logs
Networks spark-network (bridge network)
User dwdas (Password: Passw0rd, Sudo Privileges: NOPASSWD:ALL), Working dir: /home/dwdas
Java Version OpenJDK 17.0.11 (LTS)
Python Version Python 3.11.9
JAVA_HOME /opt/bitnami/java
SPARK_HOME /opt/bitnami/spark
PYTHONPATH /opt/bitnami/spark/python/
spark-sql CLI Just use spark-sql. Location: /opt/bitnami/spark/bin/spark-sql
spark-shell CLI Just use spark-shell. Location: /opt/bitnami/spark/bin/spark-shell

Steps to create the environment

Create the Dockerfile

Create a Dockerfile.txt with the contents below(remove .txt later).

# Use the official Bitnami Spark image as the base image
FROM bitnami/spark:latest

# Switch to root user to install necessary packages and set permissions
USER root

# Install sudo package
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y sudo

# Add a non-root user named dwdas with a home directory and bash shell
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash dwdas

# Set the password for dwdas as Passw0rd
RUN echo "dwdas:Passw0rd" | chpasswd

# Add the user to the sudo group and configure sudoers file to allow passwordless sudo
RUN adduser dwdas sudo
RUN echo "dwdas ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

# Ensure dwdas has write permissions to necessary directories and files
RUN mkdir -p /opt/bitnami/spark/tmp && chown -R dwdas:dwdas /opt/bitnami/spark/tmp
RUN chown -R dwdas:dwdas /opt/bitnami/spark/conf
RUN chown -R dwdas:dwdas /opt/bitnami/spark/work
RUN chown -R dwdas:dwdas /opt/bitnami/spark/logs

# Switch back to the non-root user
USER dwdas

# Set the working directory
WORKDIR /home/dwdas

Create the docker-compose.yml file

In the same folder, create a docker-compose.yml with the content below.

version: '3'  # Specify the version of Docker Compose syntax

services:  # Define the services (containers) that make up your application

      context: .  # Build context is the current directory (where the Dockerfile is located)
      dockerfile: Dockerfile  # Dockerfile to use for building the image
    image: bitnami-spark-master  # Name the image for the master node
    container_name: spark-master  # Set a custom name for the master container
      - SPARK_MODE=master  # Environment variable to set the Spark mode to master
      - "8080:8080"  # Map port 8080 on the host to port 8080 on the container for Spark Master web UI
      - "7077:7077"  # Map port 7077 on the host to port 7077 on the container for Spark Master
      - spark-warehouse:/user/hive/warehouse  # Mount the shared volume for Hive warehouse
      - spark-network  # Connect the master container to the defined network

      context: .  # Build context is the current directory (where the Dockerfile is located)
      dockerfile: Dockerfile  # Dockerfile to use for building the image
    image: bitnami-spark-worker  # Name the image for the worker node
    container_name: spark-worker-1  # Set a custom name for the first worker container
      - SPARK_MODE=worker  # Environment variable to set the Spark mode to worker
      - SPARK_MASTER_URL=spark://spark-master:7077  # URL for the worker to connect to the master
      - SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY=2G  # Set the memory allocated for the worker
      - SPARK_WORKER_CORES=2  # Set the number of CPU cores allocated for the worker
      - spark-master  # Ensure that the master service is started before this worker
      - "8081:8081"  # Map port 8081 on the host to port 8081 on the container for Spark Worker 1 web UI
      - spark-warehouse:/user/hive/warehouse  # Mount the shared volume for Hive warehouse
      - spark-network  # Connect the worker container to the defined network

      context: .  # Build context is the current directory (where the Dockerfile is located)
      dockerfile: Dockerfile  # Dockerfile to use for building the image
    image: bitnami-spark-worker  # Name the image for the worker node
    container_name: spark-worker-2  # Set a custom name for the second worker container
      - SPARK_MODE=worker  # Environment variable to set the Spark mode to worker
      - SPARK_MASTER_URL=spark://spark-master:7077  # URL for the worker to connect to the master
      - SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY=2G  # Set the memory allocated for the worker
      - SPARK_WORKER_CORES=2  # Set the number of CPU cores allocated for the worker
      - spark-master  # Ensure that the master service is started before this worker
      - "8082:8081"  # Map port 8082 on the host to port 8081 on the container for Spark Worker 2 web UI
      - spark-warehouse:/user/hive/warehouse  # Mount the shared volume for Hive warehouse
      - spark-network  # Connect the worker container to the defined network

    driver: local  # Use the local driver to create a shared volume for the warehouse

    driver: bridge  # Use the bridge driver to create an isolated network for the Spark cluster

Build Your Docker Images

In command prompt run the following command to build your Docker images

docker-compose -p bitnami-spark-cluster build

Docker build process

There will be two images: One for the Master and the other for the worker nodes. The images section will also show one dangling image. Ignore it.

Dangling image notice

Run the containers using the images

Now run the following:

docker-compose -p bitnami-spark-cluster up -d

You should see three containers running inside a compose stack.

Running containers

And a volume will be created and shown in teh Volumes section:

Volume creation

The volume will be mounted to all the three containers:

Mounted volumes

Check Permissions for /user/hive/warehouse

The /user/hive/warehouse folder is the mounted directory we created. The user dwdas should have the correct permissions for this folder in all three containers. To check this, connect to each container through the terminal using either:

docker exec -it spark-master bash

Or through Docker Desktop’s EXEC tab.

Then run:

ls -ld /user/hive/warehouse
# The permission should be rwx for dwdas

Permission check

Note: If you don’t have rwx or owner permissions for the warehouse folder and see an output like this:

Permission error

You will need to either provide rwx permission for dwdas or make dwdas the owner of the folder:

chown dwdas:dwdas /user/hive/warehouse

If that doesn’t work, you can use:

chmod 777 /user/hive/warehouse

Connect to SparkSQL using spark-sql CLI

Open any container’s terminal(Master/worker) and input spark-sql.

Let’s create a simple table and see query it. paste the following in the terminal:

CREATE TABLE Hollywood (name STRING);
INSERT INTO Hollywood VALUES ('Inception'), ('Titanic');
SELECT * FROM Hollywood;

A table will be created in SPARK as extended tabble and you will be able to see the select result:


Will give this result:

Note: its a manged table in location /home/dwdas/spark-warehouse/

Connect to a container and create a spark session

Open VS Code and use Dev Containers to attach to the running Master container. Then, open a Jupyter notebook and run the following commands.

To know how to connect VS code to a container, refer to my article here.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Initialize the SparkSession
## Note: file:///user/hive/warehouse is the way and not /user/hive/warehouse. Add file: Else, wont be able to find the directory
spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .appName("HiveExample") \
    .config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "file:///user/hive/warehouse") \
    .config("spark.sql.legacy.createHiveTableByDefault", "false") \
    .enableHiveSupport() \

# Explanation:
# - `spark.sql.warehouse.dir`: Specifies the default location for managed databases and tables.
# - `spark.sql.legacy.createHiveTableByDefault`: Ensures that Hive tables are not created by default unless explicitly specified.
# - `enableHiveSupport()`: Enables Hive support, allowing Spark to leverage Hive Metastore, run HiveQL queries, and use Hive functions.

# Sample data
data = [("Kim Jong Obama", 28), ("Vladimir Trump", 35)]
columns = ["Name", "Age"]

# Create a DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)

# Save the DataFrame as a managed table

# Verify the table creation
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM people").show()

# Additional Information:
# - Hive Metastore Integration: Spark can directly access the Hive Metastore, providing a unified metadata layer for Spark and Hive.
# - HiveQL Queries: You can run HiveQL queries using Spark SQL, using the familiar Hive syntax.
# - Hive Functions: Spark supports Hive's built-in functions in Spark SQL queries.
# - Table Management: Spark can read from and write to Hive-managed tables, including creating, dropping, and altering tables.
# - Compatibility with Hive Data Formats: Spark can read from and write to Hive's data formats like ORC and Parquet.
# - Access to Hive UDFs: User-defined functions created in Hive can be used within Spark SQL queries.

If everything works fine, we will be able to see the spark internal table created!

Permission error

Common Errors

I will update this section when I get time.