What is KQL?

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A KQL (Kusto Query Language) Database handles large volumes of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data for real-time analytics and ad-hoc querying. It is part of the Azure Data Explorer service. The data in a KQL database is stored in Azure Data Explorer. It uses a columnar storage format, for high-performance.

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How to run KQL query in Fabric?

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There is no magic command like %%KQL

KQL vs SQL Databases

Feature KQL Database Standard SQL Database
Query Language Kusto Query Language (KQL) Structured Query Language (SQL)
Storage Format Columnar Row-based
Optimized For Real-time analytics, log and time-series data Transactional data, relational data
Data Structure Tables, columns, materialized views, functions Tables, columns, views, stored procedures
Scalability Highly scalable and distributed Varies by implementation (SQL Server, MySQL, etc.)
Indexing Automatically indexed for fast query performance Manual and automatic indexing
Data Ingestion Supports batch and streaming ingestion Primarily batch ingestion
Use Cases Log analytics, telemetry data, IoT data OLTP, data warehousing, reporting
Storage Location Azure Data Explorer service in the cloud Varies (on-premises, cloud-based)
Performance Optimized for read-heavy and analytical workloads Balanced for read and write operations
Schema Flexible schema with support for semi-structured data Rigid schema with well-defined data types

KQL Vs SQL Query

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Operation SQL KQL
Select and Count SELECT Name, Age, COUNT(*) FROM Employees WHERE Age > 30 GROUP BY Name, Age; Employees \| where Age > 30 \| summarize count() by Name, Age
Group By and Order By SELECT Department, AVG(Salary) AS AverageSalary FROM Employees GROUP BY Department ORDER BY AverageSalary DESC; Employees \| summarize AverageSalary=avg(Salary) by Department \| sort by AverageSalary desc
Join SELECT e.Name, d.DepartmentName FROM Employees e JOIN Departments d ON e.DepartmentID = d.ID; Employees \| join kind=inner (Departments) on $left.DepartmentID == $right.ID \| project Name, DepartmentName
Subquery and Limit SELECT Name FROM (SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Age > 30) AS SubQuery WHERE DepartmentID = 5 LIMIT 10; let SubQuery = Employees \| where Age > 30; SubQuery \| where DepartmentID == 5 \| project Name \| take 10
String Functions SELECT Name FROM Employees WHERE UPPER(FirstName) = 'JOHN'; Employees \| where tolower(FirstName) == 'john' \| project Name
Date Functions SELECT Name FROM Employees WHERE YEAR(HireDate) = 2020; Employees \| where datetime_part('year', HireDate) == 2020 \| project Name
Between SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Age BETWEEN 25 AND 35; Employees \| where Age between (25 .. 35)
Date Range SELECT * FROM Sales WHERE SaleDate BETWEEN '2021-01-01' AND '2021-12-31'; Sales \| where SaleDate between (datetime(2021-01-01) .. datetime(2021-12-31))
Distinct SELECT DISTINCT Department FROM Employees; Employees \| summarize by Department
Top N SELECT TOP 5 Name, Salary FROM Employees ORDER BY Salary DESC; Employees \| top 5 by Salary desc \| project Name, Salary
Aggregation with Conditions SELECT Department, COUNT(*) FROM Employees WHERE Age > 30 GROUP BY Department; Employees \| where Age > 30 \| summarize count() by Department


Description Example Category
Create a new table .create table MyTable (Column1: string, Column2: int) DDL
Show the schema of a table .show table MyTable schema DQL
Ingest data into a table .ingest into table MyTable <DataSource> DML
Rename a table .rename table OldTableName to NewTableName DDL
Drop a table .drop table TableName DDL
List all tables .show tables DQL
Add a column .alter table TableName add column ColumnName: DataType DDL
Drop a column .alter table TableName drop column ColumnName DDL
Rename a column .rename column OldColumnName to NewColumnName in table TableName DDL
Create a new function .create function with (docstring = "Description", folder = "FolderName") MyFunction () { <KQLQuery> } DDL
Show available functions .show functions DQL
Materialized Views    
Create a new materialized view .create materialized-view MyView on table MyTable { <KQLQuery> } DDL
Show available materialized views .show materialized-views DQL
Create an index .create index IndexName on TableName (ColumnName) DDL
Drop an index .drop index IndexName on TableName DDL
Show indexes .show indexes DQL
Ingest data into a table .ingest into table MyTable <DataSource> DML
Ingest data from JSON .ingest into table TableName h@"https://path/to/file.json" DML
Database Operations    
Create a database .create database DatabaseName DDL
Drop a database .drop database DatabaseName DDL
List all databases .show databases DQL
Grant table permissions .grant select on table TableName to UserName DDL
Revoke table permissions .revoke select on table TableName from UserName DDL
Show permissions .show table TableName policy access DQL
Create a view .create view ViewName as <KQLQuery> DDL
Drop a view .drop view ViewName DDL
Show views .show views DQL
Show cluster diagnostics .show cluster diagnostics DQL
Show table statistics .show table TableName stats DQL
Data Export    
Export data to JSON .export to json at <FilePath> <KQLQuery> DML


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Highlight the answers to reveal it!

KQL Questions - Keywords

  1. Which KQL keyword is used to limit the results of a query to a specified number of rows?
    • A. select
    • B. take
    • C. project

    Answer: Take limits the results to a specified number of rows.

  2. Which KQL keyword is used to group and aggregate data?
    • A. group_by
    • B. aggregate
    • C. summarize

    Answer: Use the summarize keyword to group and aggregate data.

  3. Which KQL keyword is used to filter rows based on a condition?
    • A. where
    • B. filter
    • C. select

    Answer: where is used to filter rows based on a condition.

  4. Which KQL keyword is used to create a new column or modify an existing column?
    • A. create
    • B. extend
    • C. modify

    Answer: extend is used to create a new column or modify an existing column.

  5. Which KQL keyword is used to sort the results of a query?
    • A. order
    • B. arrange
    • C. sort

    Answer: sort is used to order the results of a query.

  6. Which KQL keyword is used to rename a column in the results?
    • A. rename
    • B. project-rename
    • C. alias

    Answer: project-rename is used to rename a column in the results.

  7. Which KQL keyword is used to join two tables on a common column?
    • A. merge
    • B. union
    • C. join

    Answer: join is used to combine two tables on a common column.

  8. Which KQL keyword is used to calculate the total number of rows in the results?
    • A. count
    • B. total
    • C. sum

    Answer: count is used to calculate the total number of rows in the results.

  9. Which KQL keyword is used to remove duplicates from the results?
    • A. distinct
    • B. unique
    • C. remove-duplicates

    Answer: distinct is used to remove duplicate rows from the results.

  10. Which KQL keyword is used to extract a substring from a string column?
    • A. substring
    • B. extract
    • C. substr

    Answer: substring is used to extract a part of a string column.

  11. Which KQL keyword is used to combine the results of two or more queries?
    • A. combine
    • B. union
    • C. join

    Answer: union is used to combine the results of two or more queries.

  12. Which KQL keyword is used to convert a column to a different data type?
    • A. convert
    • B. cast
    • C. toType

    Answer: cast is used to convert a column to a different data type.

  13. Which KQL keyword is used to filter rows with null values?
    • A. isnull
    • B. isnotnull
    • C. isnonempty

    Answer: isnotnull is used to filter rows with null values.

  14. Which KQL keyword is used to calculate the average of a numeric column?
    • A. average
    • B. mean
    • C. avg

    Answer: avg is used to calculate the average of a numeric column.

  15. Which KQL keyword is used to create a time series chart?
    • A. timeseries
    • B. render
    • C. chart

    Answer: render is used to create a time series chart.

  16. Which KQL keyword is used to specify the columns to include in the results?
    • A. include
    • B. select
    • C. project

    Answer: project is used to specify the columns to include in the results.

  17. Which KQL keyword is used to calculate the maximum value of a numeric column?
    • A. max
    • B. maximum
    • C. highest

    Answer: max is used to calculate the maximum value of a numeric column.

  18. Which KQL keyword is used to calculate the minimum value of a numeric column?
    • A. min
    • B. minimum
    • C. lowest

    Answer: min is used to calculate the minimum value of a numeric column.

  19. Which KQL keyword is used to convert a datetime column to a specific format?
    • A. format
    • B. convert
    • C. format_datetime

    Answer: format_datetime is used to convert a datetime column to a specific format.

  20. Which KQL keyword is used to calculate the difference between two datetime columns?
    • A. datetime_diff
    • B. date_diff
    • C. time_diff

    Answer: date_diff is used to calculate the difference between two datetime columns.

  21. Which KQL keyword is used to filter rows based on a regular expression?
    • A. regex_match
    • B. matches_regex
    • C. search

    Answer: matches_regex is used to filter rows based on a regular expression.

  22. Which KQL keyword is used to calculate the sum of a numeric column?
    • A. sum
    • B. total
    • C. aggregate_sum

    Answer: sum is used to calculate the sum of a numeric column.

  23. Which KQL keyword is used to create a new table with the results of a query?
    • A. create_table
    • B. into
    • C. output

    Answer: into is used to create a new table with the results of a query.

  24. Which KQL keyword is used to parse a string into multiple columns?
    • A. split
    • B. parse
    • C. dissect Answer: parse is used to parse a string into multiple columns.
  25. Which KQL keyword is used to join two tables and keep only the rows with matching keys?
    • A. inner join
    • B. equijoin
    • C. join

    Answer: join is used to join two tables and keep only the rows with matching keys.

  26. Which KQL keyword is used to create an alias for a column in the results?
    • A. alias
    • B. as
    • C. rename

    Answer: as is used to create an alias for a column in the results.

  27. Which KQL keyword is used to filter rows based on a range of values?
    • A. between
    • B. in_range
    • C. within

    Answer: between is used to filter rows based on a range of values.

  28. Which KQL keyword is used to concatenate two or more strings?
    • A. concat
    • B. strcat
    • C. joinstr

    Answer: strcat is used to concatenate two or more strings.

  29. Which KQL keyword is used to extract a portion of a datetime value?
    • A. extract
    • B. datetime_part
    • C. datetime_extract

    Answer: extract is used to extract a portion of a datetime value.

  30. Which KQL keyword is used to find the median of a numeric column?
    • A. median
    • B. percentile
    • C. mid

    Answer: percentile is used to find the median of a numeric column (percentile 50).

  31. Which KQL keyword is used to return a specified number of rows from the start of the results?
    • A. top
    • B. limit
    • C. head

    Answer: head is used to return a specified number of rows from the start of the results.

  32. Which KQL keyword is used to combine multiple conditions in a query?
    • A. combine
    • B. and
    • C. both

    Answer: and is used to combine multiple conditions in a query.

  33. Which KQL keyword is used to calculate the standard deviation of a numeric column?
    • A. stddev
    • B. stdev
    • C. sd

    Answer: stdev is used to calculate the standard deviation of a numeric column.

  34. Which KQL keyword is used to return rows where a column value is within a list of values?
    • A. in
    • B. within
    • C. includes

    Answer: in is used to return rows where a column value is within a list of values.

  35. Which KQL keyword is used to calculate the variance of a numeric column?
    • A. variance
    • B. var
    • C. varp

    Answer: var is used to calculate the variance of a numeric column.

  36. Which KQL keyword is used to format a string column?
    • A. format
    • B. str_format
    • C. tostring

    Answer: tostring is used to format a string column.

  37. Which KQL keyword is used to pivot a table?
    • A. pivot
    • B. transform
    • C. make-series

    Answer: make-series is used to pivot a table.

  38. Which KQL keyword is used to calculate the cumulative sum of a numeric column?
    • A. cumulative_sum
    • B. sum
    • C. running_sum

    Answer: cumulative_sum is used to calculate the cumulative sum of a numeric column.

  39. Which KQL keyword is used to create a histogram of a numeric column?
    • A. histogram
    • B. bin
    • C. bucket

    Answer: bin is used to create a histogram of a numeric column.

  40. Which KQL keyword is used to evaluate a condition and return one of two values?
    • A. if
    • B. case
    • C. switch

    Answer: if is used to evaluate a condition and return one of two values.

KQL Quesitons - General

  1. You have a table Sales with columns ProductID, Quantity, and Price. How would you calculate the total revenue for each product?
    • A. Sales | summarize TotalRevenue = sum(Quantity * Price) by ProductID
    • B. Sales | summarize TotalRevenue = avg(Quantity * Price) by ProductID
    • C. Sales | extend TotalRevenue = Quantity * Price | summarize Total = sum(TotalRevenue) by ProductID

    Answer: Sales | summarize TotalRevenue = sum(Quantity *</span> Price) by ProductID

  2. How would you find all records in the Logs table where the Message column contains the word “error”?
    • A. Logs | where Message contains "error"
    • B. Logs | where Message == "error"
    • C. Logs | search "error" Answer: Logs | where Message contains "error"
  3. What function would you use to calculate the moving average of a column in KQL?
    • A. moving_avg()
    • B. series_fir()
    • C. avg()

    Answer: series_fir() is used to calculate the moving average.

  4. How do you join two tables Table1 and Table2 on the ID column, keeping all records from Table1?
    • A. Table1 | innerjoin (Table2) on ID
    • B. Table1 | join kind=inner (Table2) on ID
    • C. Table1 | join kind=leftouter (Table2) on ID

    Answer: Table1 | join kind=leftouter (Table2) on ID

  5. How can you create a histogram of the Age column in the Users table?
    • A. Users | histogram Age by 10
    • B. Users | summarize count() by Age
    • C. Users | summarize count() by bin(Age, 10)

    Answer: Users | summarize count() by bin(Age, 10)

  6. You need to extract the year from a datetime column called Timestamp in the Events table. Which function would you use?
    • A. year(Timestamp)
    • B. extract_year(Timestamp)
    • C. datetime_part('year', Timestamp)

    Answer: year(Timestamp)

  7. How would you filter rows in the Sales table to only include those where the Date is within the last 30 days?
    • A. Sales | where Date > ago(30d)
    • B. Sales | where Date between (now() - 30d) and now()
    • C. Sales | where Date > datetime(30 days ago)

    Answer: Sales | where Date > ago(30d)

  8. How do you rename the column OldName to NewName in a KQL query?
    • A. | project-rename NewName = OldName
    • B. | rename OldName to NewName
    • C. | project OldName as NewName

    Answer: | project OldName as NewName

  9. Which KQL function would you use to concatenate the values of two columns FirstName and LastName in the Employees table?
    • A. concat(FirstName, LastName)
    • B. strcat(FirstName, " ", LastName)
    • C. combine(FirstName, LastName)

    Answer: strcat(FirstName, " ", LastName)

  10. In the Orders table, how would you calculate the average order value?
    • A. Orders | summarize avg(OrderValue)
    • B. Orders | summarize AverageOrder = mean(OrderValue)
    • C. Orders | summarize AverageOrder = avg(OrderValue)

    Answer: Orders | summarize AverageOrder = avg(OrderValue)

  11. How can you list the unique values of the Country column from the Customers table?
    • A. Customers | distinct Country
    • B. Customers | summarize by Country
    • C. Customers | unique Country

    Answer: Customers | distinct Country

  12. What is the correct way to calculate the total number of orders in the Orders table?
    • A. Orders | summarize count()
    • B. Orders | count()
    • C. Orders | summarize total_orders = count()

    Answer: Orders | summarize total_orders = count()

  13. How would you convert the Price column in the Products table from a string to a real number?
    • A. Products | project Price = toreal(Price)
    • B. Products | extend Price = todouble(Price)
    • C. Products | cast(Price as real)

    Answer: Products | project Price = toreal(Price)

  14. You want to visualize the Sales table’s total revenue over time using a line chart. Which render statement should you use?
    • A. | render linechart
    • B. | render timechart
    • C. | render barchart

    Answer: | render linechart

  15. How can you combine the results of two queries in KQL?
    • A. combine
    • B. union
    • C. join

    Answer: union

  16. In KQL, how do you create a new column that shows the length of the Description column in the Products table?
    • A. Products | extend Length = len(Description)
    • B. Products | project Length = strlen(Description)
    • C. Products | project Length = length(Description)

    Answer: Products | project Length = strlen(Description)

  17. How would you find the earliest OrderDate in the Orders table?
    • A. Orders | summarize EarliestDate = min(OrderDate)
    • B. Orders | summarize EarliestDate = earliest(OrderDate)
    • C. Orders | summarize EarliestDate = first(OrderDate)

    Answer: Orders | summarize EarliestDate = min(OrderDate)

  18. Which KQL keyword is used to combine two tables side by side, based on a common column?
    • A. merge
    • B. union
    • C. join

    Answer: join

  19. How would you calculate the median value of the Income column in the Employees table?
    • A. Employees | summarize median(Income)
    • B. Employees | summarize Percentile_50 = percentile(Income, 50)
    • C. Employees | summarize MedianIncome = median(Income)

    Answer: Employees | summarize Percentile_50 = percentile(Income, 50)

  20. How can you filter the Events table to show only records where the Status column is either “Active” or “Pending”?
    • A. Events | where Status in ("Active", "Pending")
    • B. Events | where Status == "Active" or Status == "Pending"
    • C. Events | where Status matches ("Active", "Pending")

    Answer: Events | where Status in ("Active", "Pending")

  21. How would you list the top 5 products by total sales in the Sales table?
    • A. Sales | top 5 by sum(TotalSales)
    • B. Sales | summarize TotalSales = sum(SalesAmount) by ProductID | top 5 by TotalSales
    • C. Sales | summarize TotalSales = sum(SalesAmount) by ProductID | limit 5 by TotalSales

    Answer: Sales | summarize TotalSales = sum(SalesAmount) by ProductID | top 5 by TotalSales

  22. Which function in KQL would you use to format a datetime value as a string?
    • A. format_datetime()
    • B. datetime_to_string()
    • C. tostring()

    Answer: format_datetime()

  23. How can you find the number of unique customers in the Sales table?
    • A. Sales | summarize UniqueCustomers = dcount(CustomerID)
    • B. Sales | summarize UniqueCustomers = countdistinct(CustomerID)
    • C. Sales | summarize UniqueCustomers = unique(CustomerID)

    Answer: Sales | summarize UniqueCustomers = dcount(CustomerID)

  24. Which KQL function would you use to convert a string to a datetime value?
    • A. todatetime()
    • B. string_to_datetime()
    • C. datetime()

    Answer: todatetime()

  25. How can you calculate the standard deviation of the Price column in the Products table?
    • A. Products | summarize StdDevPrice = stdev(Price)
    • B. Products | summarize StdDevPrice = stddev(Price)
    • C. Products | summarize StdDevPrice = variance(Price)

    Answer: Products | summarize StdDevPrice = stddev(Price)

  26. Which KQL function is used to round a numeric value to the nearest integer?
    • A. round()
    • B. truncate()
    • C. ceil()

    Answer: round()

  27. How would you extract the day of the week from a datetime column OrderDate in the Orders table?
    • A. Orders | extend DayOfWeek = dayofweek(OrderDate)
    • B. Orders | extend DayOfWeek = extract('dow', OrderDate)
    • C. Orders | extend DayOfWeek = day(OrderDate)

    Answer: Orders | extend DayOfWeek = dayofweek(OrderDate)

  28. Which function in KQL can be used to split a string into an array based on a delimiter?
    • A. split()
    • B. string_split()
    • C. explode()

    Answer: split()

  29. How would you calculate the cumulative sum of the SalesAmount column in the Sales table?
    • A. Sales | extend CumulativeSales = sum(SalesAmount)
    • B. Sales | extend CumulativeSales = running_sum(SalesAmount)
    • C. Sales | extend CumulativeSales = cumulative_sum(SalesAmount

    Answer: Sales | extend CumulativeSales = cumulative_sum(SalesAmount)

  30. How do you find all records in the Logs table where the Severity column is either “Error” or “Warning”?
    • A. Logs | where Severity == "Error" or Severity == "Warning"
    • B. Logs | where Severity in ("Error", "Warning")
    • C. Logs | where Severity matches ("Error", "Warning")

    Answer: Logs | where Severity in ("Error", "Warning")

  31. Which KQL function would you use to get the current date and time?
    • A. now()
    • B. current_datetime()
    • C. getdate()

    Answer: now()

  32. How would you calculate the number of days between two datetime columns StartDate and EndDate in the Projects table?
    • A. Projects | extend DaysBetween = date_diff('day', EndDate, StartDate)
    • B. Projects | extend DaysBetween = datetime_diff('day', EndDate, StartDate)
    • C. Projects | extend DaysBetween = day_diff(EndDate, StartDate

    Answer: Projects | extend DaysBetween = date_diff('day', EndDate, StartDate)

  33. Which function would you use to get the maximum value of a column Price in the Products table?
    • A. Products | summarize MaxPrice = max(Price)
    • B. Products | summarize MaxPrice = maximum(Price)
    • C. Products | summarize MaxPrice = greatest(Price)

    Answer: Products | summarize MaxPrice = max(Price)

  34. How can you filter the Events table to show records where the EventDate is in the current year?
    • A. Events | where year(EventDate) == year(now())
    • B. Events | where EventDate >= startofyear(now())
    • C. Events | where EventDate between (startofyear(now()) .. endofyear(now()))

    Answer: Events | where year(EventDate) == year(now())

  35. How would you rename the OldColumn to NewColumn in the Data table?
    • A. Data | project NewColumn = OldColumn
    • B. Data | rename OldColumn as NewColumn
    • C. Data | project-rename NewColumn = OldColumn

    Answer: Data | project-rename NewColumn = OldColumn

  36. Which function in KQL is used to get the number of elements in an array?
    • A. count()
    • B. length()
    • C. array_length()

    Answer: length()

  37. How would you calculate the average Salary for each department in the Employees table?
    • A. Employees | summarize AvgSalary = avg(Salary) by Department
    • B. Employees | summarize AvgSalary = mean(Salary) by Department
    • C. Employees | summarize AvgSalary = average(Salary) by Department

    Answer: Employees | summarize AvgSalary = avg(Salary) by Department

  38. How can you convert the Price column in the Products table from a string to a real number?
    • A. Products | project Price = toreal(Price)
    • B. Products | extend Price = todouble(Price)
    • C. Products | cast(Price as real)

    Answer: Products | project Price = toreal(Price)

  39. Which function would you use to extract the hour from a datetime column EventTime in the Events table?
    • A. Events | extend Hour = hour(EventTime)
    • B. Events | extend Hour = extract('hour', EventTime)
    • C. Events | extend Hour = gethour(EventTime)

    Answer: Events | extend Hour = hour(EventTime)

  40. How can you create a column FullName by concatenating FirstName and LastName in the Employees table?
    • A. Employees | extend FullName = FirstName + " " + LastName
    • B. Employees | extend FullName = strcat(FirstName, " ", LastName)
    • C. Employees | extend FullName = concat(FirstName, " ", LastName)

    Answer: Employees | extend FullName = strcat(FirstName, " ", LastName)

  41. How would you calculate the 90th percentile of the ResponseTime column in the Requests table?
    • A. Requests | summarize Percentile_90 = percentile(ResponseTime, 90)
    • B. Requests | summarize Percentile_90 = p90(ResponseTime)
    • C. Requests | summarize Percentile_90 = percentile_approx(ResponseTime, 0.90)

    Answer: Requests | summarize Percentile_90 = percentile(ResponseTime, 90)

  42. Which function in KQL would you use to replace all occurrences of a substring in a string column?
    • A. replace()
    • B. str_replace()
    • C. substitute()

    Answer: replace()

  43. How can you find the maximum value of the Score column in the Results table?
    • A. Results | summarize MaxScore = max(Score)
    • B. Results | summarize MaxScore = maximum(Score)
    • C. Results | summarize MaxScore = highest(Score)

    Answer: Results | summarize MaxScore = max(Score)

  44. How would you create a new column Month by extracting the month from the OrderDate column in the Sales table?
    • A. Sales | extend Month = extract('month', OrderDate)
    • B. Sales | extend Month = month(OrderDate)
    • C. Sales | extend Month = getmonth(OrderDate)

    Answer: Sales | extend Month = month(OrderDate)

  45. How do you calculate the variance of the Duration column in the Sessions table?
    • A. Sessions | summarize VarDuration = variance(Duration)
    • B. Sessions | summarize VarDuration = var(Duration)
    • C. Sessions | summarize VarDuration = varp(Duration)

    Answer: Sessions | summarize VarDuration = var(Duration)

  46. Which KQL function would you use to count the number of non-null values in a column?
    • A. count()
    • B. countif()
    • C. count_not_null()

    Answer: countif()

  47. How can you filter the Orders table to show only records where the TotalAmount is greater than 100?
    • A. Orders | where TotalAmount > 100
    • B. Orders | filter TotalAmount > 100
    • C. Orders | find TotalAmount > 100

    Answer: Orders | where TotalAmount > 100

  48. How would you create a new column Year by extracting the year from the PurchaseDate column in the Purchases table?
    • A. Purchases | extend Year = year(PurchaseDate)
    • B. Purchases | extend Year = extract('year', PurchaseDate)
    • C. Purchases | extend Year = getyear(PurchaseDate)

    Answer: Purchases | extend Year = year(PurchaseDate)

  49. Which function in KQL would you use to get the number of elements in an array?
    • A. count()
    • B. length()
    • C. array_length()

    Answer: length()

  50. How do you calculate the sum of the SalesAmount column in the Sales table?
    • A. Sales | summarize TotalSales = sum(SalesAmount)
    • B. Sales | summarize TotalSales = adds(SalesAmount)
    • C. Sales | summarize TotalSales = cumulative_sum(SalesAmount)

    Answer: Sales | summarize TotalSales = sum(SalesAmount)

  51. How can you find the earliest StartDate in the Projects table?
    • A. Projects | summarize EarliestStart = earliest(StartDate)
    • B. Projects | summarize EarliestStart = min(StartDate)
    • C. Projects | summarize EarliestStart = first(StartDate)

    Answer: Projects | summarize EarliestStart = min(StartDate)

  52. Which KQL function is used to get the current date and time?
    • A. now()
    • B. current_datetime()
    • C. getdate()

    Answer: now()

  53. How would you calculate the difference in months between two datetime columns StartDate and EndDate in the Tasks table?
    • A. Tasks | extend MonthsBetween = date_diff('month', EndDate, StartDate)
    • B. Tasks | extend MonthsBetween = datetime_diff('month', EndDate, StartDate)
    • C. Tasks | extend MonthsBetween = month_diff(EndDate, StartDate)

    Answer: Tasks | extend MonthsBetween = date_diff('month', EndDate, StartDate)

  54. Which function in KQL would you use to get the sum of a column Amount in the Transactions table?
    • A. Transactions | summarize TotalAmount = sum(Amount)
    • B. Transactions | summarize TotalAmount = sum_amount(Amount)
    • C. Transactions | summarize TotalAmount = sum(Amount)

    Answer: Transactions | summarize TotalAmount = sum(Amount)

  55. How can you filter the Logs table to show only records where the Level column is “Error”?
    • A. Logs | where Level == "Error"
    • B. Logs | where Level equals "Error"
    • C. Logs | filter Level == "Error"

    Answer: Logs | where Level == "Error"

  56. How would you rename the OldColumn to NewColumn in the Data table?
    • A. Data | project NewColumn = OldColumn
    • B. Data | rename OldColumn as NewColumn
    • C. Data | project-rename NewColumn = OldColumn

    Answer: Data | project-rename NewColumn = OldColumn

  57. Which function in KQL is used to count the number of elements in an array?
    • A. count()
    • B. length()
    • C. array_length()

    Answer: length()

  58. How would you calculate the average Price for each product in the Products table?
    • A. Products | summarize AvgPrice = avg(Price) by ProductID
    • B. Products | summarize AvgPrice = mean(Price) by ProductID
    • C. Products | summarize AvgPrice = average(Price) by ProductID

    Answer: Products | summarize AvgPrice = avg(Price) by ProductID

  59. How can you convert the Revenue column in the Sales table from a string to a real number?
    • A. Sales | project Revenue = toreal(Revenue)
    • B. Sales | extend Revenue = todouble(Revenue)
    • C. Sales | cast(Revenue as real)

    Answer: Sales | project Revenue = toreal(Revenue)

  60. Which function would you use to extract the minute from a datetime column EventTime in the Events table?
    • A. Events | extend Minute = minute(EventTime)
    • B. Events | extend Minute = extract('minute', EventTime)
    • C. Events | extend Minute = getminute(EventTime)

    Answer: Events | extend Minute = minute(EventTime)

  61. How can you create a column FullAddress by concatenating Street, City, and ZipCode in the Addresses table?
    • A. Addresses | extend FullAddress = strcat(Street, ", ", City, ", ", ZipCode)
    • B. Addresses | extend FullAddress = concat(Street, ", ", City, ", ", ZipCode)
    • C. Addresses | extend FullAddress = Street + ", " + City + ", " + ZipCode

    Answer: Addresses | extend FullAddress = strcat(Street, ", ", City, ", ", ZipCode)

  62. How would you calculate the 95th percentile of the LoadTime column in the WebRequests table?
    • A. WebRequests | summarize Percentile_95 = percentile(LoadTime, 95)
    • B. WebRequests | summarize Percentile_95 = p95(LoadTime)
    • C. WebRequests | summarize Percentile_95 = percentile_approx(LoadTime, 0.95)

    Answer: WebRequests | summarize Percentile_95 = percentile(LoadTime, 95)

  63. Which function in KQL would you use to replace all occurrences of a substring in a string column?
    • A. replace()
    • B. str_replace()
    • C. substitute()

    Answer: replace()

  64. How can you find the maximum value of the Salary column in the Employees table?
    • A. Employees | summarize MaxSalary = max(Salary)
    • B. Employees | summarize MaxSalary = maximum(Salary)
    • C. Employees | summarize MaxSalary = highest(Salary)

    Answer: Employees | summarize MaxSalary = max(Salary)

  65. How would you create a new column Quarter by extracting the quarter from the OrderDate column in the Orders table?
    • A. Orders | extend Quarter = extract('quarter', OrderDate)
    • B. Orders | extend Quarter = quarter(OrderDate)
    • C. Orders | extend Quarter = getquarter(OrderDate)

    Answer: Orders | extend Quarter = quarter(OrderDate)

  66. How do you calculate the variance of the ProcessingTime column in the Transactions table?
    • A. Transactions | summarize VarProcessingTime = variance(ProcessingTime)
    • B. Transactions | summarize VarProcessingTime = var(ProcessingTime)
    • C. Transactions | summarize VarProcessingTime = varp(ProcessingTime)

    Answer: Transactions | summarize VarProcessingTime = var(ProcessingTime)

  67. Which KQL function would you use to count the number of non-null values in a column?
    • A. count()
    • B. countif()
    • C. count_not_null()

    Answer: countif()

  68. How can you filter the Invoices table to show only records where the Total is greater than 500?
    • A. Invoices | where Total > 500
    • B. Invoices | filter Total > 500
    • C. Invoices | find Total > 500

    Answer: Invoices | where Total > 500

  69. How would you create a new column Year by extracting the year from the Date column in the Events table?
    • A. Events | extend Year = year(Date)
    • B. Events | extend Year = extract('year', Date)
    • C. Events | extend Year = getyear(Date)

    Answer: Events | extend Year = year(Date)

  70. Which function in KQL would you use to get the sum of a column Amount in the Payments table?
    • A. Payments | summarize TotalAmount = sum(Amount)
    • B. Payments | summarize TotalAmount = sum_amount(Amount)
    • C. Payments | summarize TotalAmount = adds(Amount)

    Answer: Payments | summarize TotalAmount = sum(Amount)

  71. How can you find the earliest HireDate in the Employees table?
    • A. Employees | summarize EarliestHire = earliest(HireDate)
    • B. Employees | summarize EarliestHire = min(HireDate)
    • C. Employees | summarize EarliestHire = first(HireDate)

    Answer: Employees | summarize EarliestHire = min(HireDate)

  72. How would you calculate the difference in days between two datetime columns StartDate and EndDate in the Projects table?
    • A. Projects | extend DaysBetween = date_diff('day', EndDate, StartDate)
    • B. Projects | extend DaysBetween = datetime_diff('day', EndDate, StartDate)
    • C. Projects | extend DaysBetween = day_diff(EndDate, StartDate

    Answer: Projects | extend DaysBetween = date_diff('day', EndDate, StartDate)

  73. How can you find the latest EndDate in the Tasks table?
    • A. Tasks | summarize LatestEnd = latest(EndDate)
    • B. Tasks | summarize LatestEnd = max(EndDate)
    • C. Tasks | summarize LatestEnd = last(EndDate)

    Answer: Tasks | summarize LatestEnd = max(EndDate)

  74. Which function in KQL would you use to concatenate multiple string columns in the Products table?
    • A. Products | extend FullDescription = concat(Description, " - ", Category)
    • B. Products | extend FullDescription = strcat(Description, " - ", Category)
    • C. Products | extend FullDescription = joinstr(Description, " - ", Category)

    Answer: Products | extend FullDescription = strcat(Description, " - ", Category)

  75. How can you calculate the total number of orders in the Orders table?
    • A. Orders | summarize TotalOrders = count()
    • B. Orders | count()
    • C. Orders | summarize TotalOrders = count(OrderID)

    Answer: Orders | summarize TotalOrders = count()

  76. How would you find all records in the Errors table where the Message column contains the word “timeout”?
    • A. Errors | where Message contains "timeout"
    • B. Errors | where Message == "timeout"
    • C. Errors | search "timeout"

    Answer: Errors | where Message contains "timeout"

  77. How would you list the unique values of the Status column from the Tasks table?
    • A. Tasks | distinct Status
    • B. Tasks | summarize by Status
    • C. Tasks | unique Status

    Answer: Tasks | distinct Status

  78. How can you calculate the average ResponseTime for each URL in the WebRequests table?
    • A. WebRequests | summarize AvgResponseTime = avg(ResponseTime) by URL
    • B. WebRequests | summarize AvgResponseTime = mean(ResponseTime) by URL
    • C. WebRequests | summarize AvgResponseTime = average(ResponseTime) by URL

    Answer: WebRequests | summarize AvgResponseTime = avg(ResponseTime) by URL

  79. How would you calculate the cumulative sum of the Revenue column in the Sales table?
    • A. Sales | extend CumulativeRevenue = sum(Revenue)
    • B. Sales | extend CumulativeRevenue = running_sum(Revenue)
    • C. Sales | extend CumulativeRevenue = cumulative_sum(Revenue)

    Answer: Sales | extend CumulativeRevenue = cumulative_sum(Revenue)

  80. Which function in KQL would you use to get the maximum value of a column Value in the Metrics table?
    • A. Metrics | summarize MaxValue = max(Value)
    • B. Metrics | summarize MaxValue = maximum(Value)
    • C. Metrics | summarize MaxValue = greatest(Value)

    Answer: Metrics | summarize MaxValue = max(Value)

  81. How can you filter the Activities table to show only records where the ActivityDate is in the current month?
    • A. Activities | where month(ActivityDate) == month(now())
    • B. Activities | where ActivityDate >= startofmonth(now())
    • C. Activities | where ActivityDate between (startofmonth(now()) .. endofmonth(now()))

    Answer: Activities | where month(ActivityDate) == month(now())

  82. Which function in KQL is used to split a string into an array based on a delimiter?
    • A. split()
    • B. string_split()
    • C. explode()

    Answer: split()

  83. How would you calculate the 75th percentile of the ProcessingTime column in the Operations table?
    • A. Operations | summarize Percentile_75 = percentile(ProcessingTime, 75)
    • B. Operations | summarize Percentile_75 = p75(ProcessingTime)
    • C. Operations | summarize Percentile_75 = percentile_approx(ProcessingTime, 0.75)

    Answer: Operations | summarize Percentile_75 = percentile(ProcessingTime, 75)

  84. How would you calculate the median value of the Income column in the Employees table?
    • A. Employees | summarize MedianIncome = median(Income)
    • B. Employees | summarize MedianIncome = percentile(Income, 50)
    • C. Employees | summarize MedianIncome = avg(Income)

    Answer: Employees | summarize MedianIncome = percentile(Income, 50)

  85. How can you list the unique values of the Category column from the Products table?
    • A. Products | distinct Category
    • B. Products | summarize by Category
    • C. Products | unique Category

    Answer: Products | distinct Category

  86. Which function in KQL is used to format a datetime value as a string?
    • A. format_datetime()
    • B. datetime_to_string()
    • C. tostring()

    Answer: format_datetime()

  87. How can you create a new column Month by extracting the month from the Timestamp column in the Events table?
    • A. Events | extend Month = extract('month', Timestamp)
    • B. Events | extend Month = month(Timestamp)
    • C. Events | extend Month = getmonth(Timestamp)

    Answer: Events | extend Month = month(Timestamp)

  88. How do you filter the Orders table to include only those where the OrderDate is within the last 7 days?
    • A. Orders | where OrderDate > ago(7d)
    • B. Orders | where OrderDate >= startofweek(now())
    • C. Orders | where OrderDate between (now() - 7d) and now()

    Answer: Orders | where OrderDate > ago(7d)

  89. How would you extract the year from a datetime column called Timestamp in the Logs table?
    • A. Logs | extend Year = year(Timestamp)
    • B. Logs | extend Year = extract('year', Timestamp)
    • C. Logs | extend Year = getyear(Timestamp)

    Answer: Logs | extend Year = year(Timestamp)

  90. How would you rename the column OldName to NewName in a KQL query?
    • A. | project-rename NewName = OldName
    • B. | rename OldName to NewName
    • C. | project OldName as NewName

    Answer: | project OldName as NewName

  91. Which function in KQL would you use to get the current date and time?
    • A. now()
    • B. current_datetime()
    • C. getdate()

    Answer: now()

  92. How can you create a column FullName by concatenating FirstName and LastName in the Employees table?
    • A. Employees | extend FullName = FirstName + " " + LastName
    • B. Employees | extend FullName = strcat(FirstName, " ", LastName)
    • C. Employees | extend FullName = concat(FirstName, " ", LastName)

    Answer: Employees | extend FullName = strcat(FirstName, " ", LastName)

  93. How would you find all records in the Logs table where the Message column contains the word “error”?
    • A. Logs | where Message contains "error"
    • B. Logs | where Message == "error"
    • C. Logs | search "error"

    Answer: Logs | where Message contains "error"

  94. Which KQL function would you use to convert a string to a datetime value?
    • A. todatetime()
    • B. string_to_datetime()
    • C. datetime()

    Answer: todatetime()

  95. How would you filter rows in the Sales table to only include those where the Date is within the last 30 days?
    • A. Sales | where Date > ago(30d)
    • B. Sales | where Date between (now() - 30d) and now()
    • C. Sales | where Date > datetime(30 days ago)

    Answer: Sales | where Date > ago(30d)

  96. How do you join two tables Table1 and Table2 on the ID column, keeping all records from Table1?
    • A. Table1 | innerjoin (Table2) on ID
    • B. Table1 | join kind=inner (Table2) on ID
    • C. Table1 | join kind=leftouter (Table2) on ID Answer: Table1 | join kind=leftouter (Table2) on ID
  97. How would you list the top 10 products by total sales in the Sales table?
    • A. Sales | top 10 by sum(TotalSales)
    • B. Sales | summarize TotalSales = sum(SalesAmount) by ProductID | top 10 by TotalSales
    • C. Sales | summarize TotalSales = sum(SalesAmount) by ProductID | limit 10 by TotalSales

    Answer: Sales | summarize TotalSales = sum(SalesAmount) by ProductID | top 10 by TotalSales

  98. How would you create a time series chart for the Sales table’s total revenue over time?
    • A. Sales | summarize TotalRevenue = sum(Revenue) by bin(Time, 1h) | render timechart
    • B. Sales | summarize TotalRevenue = sum(Revenue) by bin(Time, 1h) | render linechart
    • C. Sales | summarize TotalRevenue = sum(Revenue) by bin(Time, 1h) | render barchart

    Answer: Sales | summarize TotalRevenue = sum(Revenue) by bin(Time, 1h) | render linechart

  99. How can you calculate the total number of distinct customers in the Sales table?
    • A. Sales | summarize DistinctCustomers = dcount(CustomerID)
    • B. Sales | summarize DistinctCustomers = countdistinct(CustomerID)
    • C. Sales | summarize DistinctCustomers = unique(CustomerID)

    Answer: Sales | summarize DistinctCustomers = dcount(CustomerID)

  100. How can you concatenate the values of two columns FirstName and LastName in the Contacts table?

    • A. Contacts | extend FullName = strcat(FirstName, " ", LastName)
    • B. Contacts | extend FullName = concat(FirstName, " ", LastName)
    • C. Contacts | extend FullName = joinstr(FirstName, " ", LastName)

    Answer: Contacts | extend FullName = strcat(FirstName, " ", LastName)