Apache Airflow on Windows Docker

Here, I will show you how to install Airflow on a Docker container using two methods:

Method 1: Simple Development Setup

  • Single Container: This method runs everything inside one container. It includes all Airflow services like the scheduler, webserver, worker, etc., bundled together.
  • Database: Uses SQLite as the database
  • Docker Volume: A Docker volume is used to store data.

Method 2: Full Production Setup

  • Number of Containers: This method sets up seven containers. These include:
    • Scheduler: Manages task scheduling.
    • Webserver: Provides the Airflow user interface.
    • Worker: Executes the tasks.
    • PostgreSQL: Used as the database to store metadata.
    • Redis: Acts as a message broker between the components.
    • Triggerer: Manages task triggering.
    • Flower: For monitoring the Celery workers.
  • Local Folders: Data is stored in local(laptop) folders.

Method 1 - Simple Development Setup

Download Airflow Docker Image

Run the following command in your command prompt or power shell to pull the latest Airflow Docker image: docker pull apache/airflow:latest

Description of the image

Create a Docker Volume

Execute this command to create a Docker volume named airflow-volume for data persistence: docker volume create airflow-volume

Initialize Airflow Database

Initialize the Airflow database using the following two commands:

docker run --rm --network dasnet -v airflow-volume:/opt/airflow apache/airflow:latest db init
docker run --rm --network dasnet -v airflow-volume:/opt/airflow apache/airflow:latest users create  --username airflow  --firstname FIRST_NAME  --lastname LAST_NAME   --role Admin   --email admin@example.com   --password airflow

Note: I use a network dasnet. Hence –network part. You can totally remove the –network.

Start the Airflow Webserver

To start the Airflow webserver, use this command:

docker run -d --name airflow --network dasnet -p 8080:8080 -e AIRFLOW_UID=50000 -v airflow-volume:/opt/airflow apache/airflow:latest webserver

Description of the image

Note: I use a network dasnet. Hence –network part. You can totally remove the –network.

Login into Airflow UI

To login open http://localhost:8080 and enter credential: airflow/airflow

Method 2 - Full Production Setup

Create Required Folders

  • Create a base directory, anywhere, for Airflow, e.g., C:\Airflow_Das.
  • Within this directory, create three subdirectories: dags, plugins, and logs.

Download the Docker Compose File

  • Save the docker-compose.yaml from link to Airflow_Das folder.

    Description of the image

Note on docker-compose.yaml

  • When this article was written, the Airflow image used was apache/airflow:2.7.2. You can find the relevant docker-compose.yaml file here.
  • If the link doesn’t work, visit the Apache Airflow site and search for the latest docker-compose.yaml.

Initialize and Run Airflow

  • Open PowerShell(with admin priv) and cd to Airflow_Das
  • Run command: docker-compose up airflow-init Description of the image
  • Then run command: docker-compose up Description of the image You can see the logs cascading down your PowerShell window. Wait a few seconds and then you can safely close the window.

Verify the Installation

  • On Docker Desktop, look for a container named Airflow_Das, containing seven subcontainers.

    Description of the image

Note: airflow-init-1, init container will exit after initialization. This is the expected, normal, beheviour. Don’t panic.

  • Open localhost:8080 in a web browser.
  • Log in with the username and password: airflow. Description of the image

Components Installed

The table shows some important components of our Airflow setup.

Component What It Does Environment Variables Folders Ports Command Locations Inside Container
Webserver The main part of Airflow where you can see and manage your workflows, logs, etc. AIRFLOW__CORE__EXECUTOR (sets the type of executor), AIRFLOW__WEBSERVER__WORKERS (number of workers) ./dags:/opt/airflow/dags, ./logs:/opt/airflow/logs, ./plugins:/opt/airflow/plugins 8080:8080 airflow webserver /opt/airflow (inside container)
Scheduler Handles the scheduling of workflows, making sure tasks run on time. AIRFLOW__SCHEDULER__DAG_DIR_LIST_INTERVAL (how often to check the DAG folder) ./dags:/opt/airflow/dags, ./logs:/opt/airflow/logs, ./plugins:/opt/airflow/plugins N/A airflow scheduler /opt/airflow
Worker Runs the tasks in the workflows. Needed when using CeleryExecutor. AIRFLOW__CORE__EXECUTOR (CeleryExecutor), AIRFLOW__CELERY__BROKER_URL (URL for Celery broker) ./dags:/opt/airflow/dags, ./logs:/opt/airflow/logs, ./plugins:/opt/airflow/plugins N/A airflow celery worker /opt/airflow
Postgres The database that stores all the Airflow information like DAGs, task statuses, etc. POSTGRES_USER=airflow, POSTGRES_PASSWORD=airflow, POSTGRES_DB=airflow postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data N/A postgres /var/lib/postgresql/data
Redis A messaging service that helps workers communicate with each other when using CeleryExecutor. REDIS_PASSWORD=redis_password (if you want to secure it) redis_data:/data N/A redis-server /data
Flower A tool to monitor and manage Celery workers and tasks. FLOWER_BASIC_AUTH=admin:password (to secure it) N/A 5555:5555 flower N/A


Airflow official Docker Link

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